Tuesday 21 April 2009

Signets, or the Bathos of "Had I But Groaned"

A bit of a filler while I put together something of a little more substance; a bunch of old Signet covers, good and bad (both the covers and the books).


Ian Koviak said...

The "door between" is interesting.

JRSM said...

Yes, the strange shape of the hinge and blade of the scissors (and the nude woman) almost makes it look like an old 1960s 'Playboy' cover.

Marc said...

Takes me back to high school. Every classic we'd read would be a Signet edition.

Rex Parker said...

I will find some way to use that sexy drink cover. And soon.


JRSM said...

Marc: I suspect you read more of the Jack London/Herman Melvilles than the Carter Browns?

Rex: But are you being sexually aroused by this picture?

Ben said...

"Had I But Groaned" = genius!