Friday 24 April 2009

Annoying Housekeeping

I'm afraid there's nothing of great interest in this post, besides the token cover shown before. I woke up this morning to 589 Chinese porn spam comments littering the blog, and, because deleting each individual comment in Blogger is an annoying three-stage process, have a fun morning ahead. Obviously using the P-word in my last post drew the attention of their bastard robots. Because of these, I'm afraid I'm going to have to introduce that irritating "captcha" code-word thing for comments-leavers from now on. Sorry about that.


John Self said...

Commiserations. Just so you know, if you did switch to WordPress, you can delete comments in batches of 20 with one click.

JRSM said...

Ah, that would be bliss! Sheer bliss! (For certain values of bliss)

Charles Lambert said...

Something like that happened to me a few days ago. I tried moderating but I couldn't stop myself checking every ten minutes in case someone had left a comment. (Generally, they hadn't.) So I've done the same. The good thing about word verification is that now and again you get something apposite to the message, which is neat. (Though not this time, unless I was called Bettijo in a previous existence.)

JRSM said...

'The Scent of Cinnamon' by Bettijo has a certain exotic flavour. Unless it's Betti-Jo, which is rather less exotic.

Charles Lambert said...

It still sounds better than fullpoo, which is what I've got this time!

JRSM said...

See, now they're just being insulting.

Steerforth said...

I had the same experience last week and opted for the half-way house of only requiring moderation for comments that are 14 days old.

Steerforth said...

Or to be more precise, 14 days or older.

Anonymous said...

Death to chinese spam indeed! My yahoo inbox has been free of it for months and now it is back in full force. about 5/day.

JRSM said...

Annoyingly, I just got my first new one in a while this morning, too. Bastards. Or 私生子, rather.