The story itself concerns (surprise!) Benjamin Button, who is born an old man and then ages backwards to become a baby, living his life in reverse.
First we have the Scribner edition, which contains only the one story, in huge type.

Then the Coyote Canyon Press edition, which includes other stories, and avoids illustrating the title at all by using an old piece of art done for another great Fitzgerald story, Bernice Bobs Her Hair. This was originally the cover art of Flappers and Philosophers, Fitzgerald's 1920s story collection.

Then we have the Juniper Grove version, with more clock action.

And the Penguin Modern Classics UK version--with another clock.

Penguin UK are simultaneously releasing a Red Classics version, sans clock.

Then there's a graphic novel version, with art by Kevin Cornell.

Finally, we have the best of the bunch: an elegantly simple illustration for the cover of the Penguin Classics US version.