Tuesday 22 September 2009

Vegetables for Genitals

Four covers taking a similar approach to a similar topic.


I have to say, I think the ladies emerge better from these comparisons.


Rob said...

If only the designer of this cover had seen this post first:


Happy strawberry.

JRSM said...

Holy cats! Somebody has to use that image on a sex book cover NOW!

Ian Koviak said...

Eat Me is by far the most successful...

Deb said...

At the risk of sounding priggish, I have to say that no matter how graphically well-thought-out, all of these covers have a snickering adolescent aspect that would make me disinclined to read the books.

Enkison said...

I work with books constantly in the course of my job, and just came across the following:


It's one of the more interesting French book covers I've come across.

Guy Savage said...

I vote for EAT ME too. I just finished reading A Melon For Ecstasy and these covers seem to fit right in.

JRSM said...

Thanks for your comments, everyone. Samuel, that 'Kvetch' cover is great! I see that the US edition uses the same image (under the title 'Born to Kvetch').