Thursday 23 August 2012

Stop Looking at Me!

He's on four different covers, and he's not happy about it.

I'd be cheesed off too if I had to wear that sailor suit.


Tulkinghorn said...

If the people at Vintage had READ the Maxwell, they'd realize that the cover is almost Tutis-worthy. It's about a young boy -- but in a town in Illinois in 1918.

A kid in a small Midwestern town would not have survived that suit or that haircut...

Matt Keeley said...

The same image is also on the US edition of They Came Like Swallows. Which is a remarkable and powerful book, though I prefer his later So Long, See You Tomorrow.

JRSM said...

Tulkinghorn: Good point--though to be truly Tutis-worthy, he'd be wearing a Clash T-shirt and have Maori face tattoos.

Matt: I hadn't noticed that--it seems to be on a couple of foreign-language editions too. I haven't read 'So Long...' yet: that and 'The Chateux' are in the teetering piles of to-be-reads.