Monday 19 July 2010

Before & Afters Addendum with Crabs

A different kind of cover change takes place when, at the last minute, someone gets nervous about being sued and calls in the Photoshoppers. Here are the before and after versions of a pleasantly lightweight, reasonably amusing book about awful books which I'm reading at the moment.

Someone must have been afraid that Guy N. Smith, author of the famously awful Crabs novels, might call in the lawyers. For your edification, here are the best covers of the six Crabs books. Tremble!


Unknown said...

I love that a giant crab would still need to use a fussy little knife to sacrifice someone...

Ian Koviak said...

my son has an unusual fear of crabs. Even dead ones. Now i know why. In his last life he read this trash.

Anonymous said...

Read the author's Wiki page. It's very... positive. Very, very positive. *ahem*


Rich C. said...

That giant crab holding a tiny knife between its pincers is just priceless!

Eternal Worrier said...

I remember reading one of those when I was teenager. There might have been some light porn in there whick would explain me reading. I think about that time i used to read the 'Confession of' books for the same reason.

JRSM said...

The little knife is the perfect touch.

Worrier: There are a number of excerpts in the Ince book of sex scenes, most interrupted by sudden crabs.

ghrency said...

Very cool..i find it very unique i like the idea a a giant grab holding a small knife.Good thing dont have fears in grabs.In that case i would not love to read this books.

strength training routine

Melissa W. said...

I am dying over the crab with the tiny knife. I can't even handle this. I must own this book.

Trooper Thorn said...

Poor crabs get such a bum rap. They have an embarrasing STD named after them and share the astrological sign "Cancer" with the disease.

Now these terrible books.

Nicole said...

Did anyone actually read these? I wonder if the cover design is reflection of the writing quality...

Jacky Maille said...

I need to try to find those books on Amazon. I love to torture myself.

Maddkemal said...

craB crab crab .... i wonder what you thinking when you write this book .... it's cool .

Barry Scott said...

I kind of liked the original cover, with the snippy (pun intended) insinuation that the bloke sitting aloft on the tower of books might have crabs.

I think the illustrator must have had a lot of fun with those crab attack books. Are they still being written, or were they amongst the early eighties obsession with giant ants and killer tomatoes?

JRSM said...

Barry Allan Scott: The novels are all artifacts of the late '70s and '80s, but Smith still writes occasional Crabs! stories for horror anthologies, it seems, as well as many, MANY other books. And he was England's pipe-smoking champion in 2003. And I see that the first Crabs book has been made available on the Kindle, so technology proves its value once again.

Madame De Jezebel said...

These are the crabs they should be showing in school to keep kids from sexing it up.

Laura Ottina said...

Awesome. Love how the various illustrators used their skill to make the giant crabs look really scary.

H said...

I doubt to believe if it will ever cease to amaze me how this shit gets published.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I don't even want to think about sex and crabs at the same time.

That "Night of the Crabs" cover must have really tickled the fancy of young boys in the 70's.