Wednesday 29 February 2012

Odd Titles, Dull Covers

Every year the UK's Bookseller magazine runs the Diagram Prize for Oddest Book Title. This year's nominees are indeed quite odd, but I have to say that the covers are pretty disappointing. There's nothing here even as remotely peculiar as the titles would suggest.

I was amused, though, that in searching for that last cover, Google Images decided this picture was a good match:

My own suggestion for the prize, with a somewhat more imaginative cover than any of the above?


eViL pOp TaRt said...

I don't know -- the Great Singapore Penis Panic has a catchy enough title; the cover page design is pretty good.

Brian Busby said...

It's heartening to see that in publishing the second volume of A Century of Sand Dredging in the Bristol Channel, Coastal Shipping Publications has stayed true to the series design.

JRSM said...

Well, it just would be embarassing if the spines didn't match.

Jonathan Walker said...

It is a very nice office chair.

mattilda bernstein sycamore said...

Thank you -- I love the cover too :)


JRSM said...

Thanks, Mattilda: was the cover photo specifically created for your book?