SEE! Poets talking about their favourite poetry book covers, at the Best American Poetry blog.

SEE! The newly expanded and, frankly, wonderful The Art of Penguin Science Fiction, put together by James Pardey!

SEE! Its work-in-progress sister site, The Art of Fontana Modern Masters!
SEE! A movie being unusually up-front about its literary origins! (Taken from here.)

It's sad to SEE! that one of my favourite blogs, that belonging to the bookshop Crockatt and Powell, has ceased, due to the fact that the bookshop itself has had to close down because of the unfavourable current state of publishing/bookselling.
And finally, SEE! some upcoming covers for Penguin, designed by Richard Green, for some 2010 reprints of classic sensation novels. There are 10 in the series, though I could only find 8 of the covers. I learned of these via the Casual Optimist.
I really like these, though they're almost too tasteful.
PS: For readers in Australia, I've just found that Angus & Robertson has joined Borders in jacking up almost all of their book prices by at least 10% above the recommended retail price. Scumbags. Don't shop there.
I love the monk and the castle of otranto designs, though I noticed the blood stain dripping down both books was the same. Strangely disapointing.
You're right--I hadn't spotted that. I'm always faintly and strangely depressed by that sort of thing--like distressed typography where every letter A, for instance, is damaged in exactly the same way.
I can sort of understand why they do it, i.e. they need a blood splatter, they have already painted and scanned one, so why not use the same one. It saves them 5 minutes of rather fiddlely and unexciting work, and chances are no one else is going to notice.
At the same time I think, gee, it's only an extra five minutes of work, and everytime they look at it they must wonder "am I cheating?" At least, I assume that is what they would wonder because that is what I would wonder.
The art of Penguin Science Fiction is wonderful - thanks for the links.
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