Just yesterday I got my hands on Denis Johnson's (Tree of Smoke, etc) newest novel, Nobody Move: it's a brisk, engaging and uneasily funny thriller in the style of Elmore Leonard or Richard Stark. (And sometime I'm going to have to talk about Johnson's Fiskadero as an end-of-the-world book.)

What concerns us here is the cover design, by Susan Mitchell, and the illustrated boards by Philip Earl Pascuzzo. The dustjacket, printed in lovely metallic inks, is full of die-cut bullet holes, which give you a glimpse of Pascuzzo's pictures of the two main characters underneath. (Click for nice big versions.) The book is published by FSG, who also produced that beautiful slipcased triple-decker version of 2666.

Pascuzzo has a lot of other lovely cover work on display at his site. Here are a select few to give you a taste. (Again, click for nice big versions.)

All beautiful covers. Love how this latest one, Nobody Move, looks on the shelves. Susan Mitchel is my God(dess).
Nice interview with Philip on FaceOut Books: http://faceoutbooks.com/#13862
I hadn't seen that interview: thanks for the link.
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