Tuesday 8 June 2010


Browsing in a bookshop, I came across Emily Mackie's And This is True (published by Sceptre), a book I'd read a couple of reviews of, but had been on the fence about buying (it's a bout a young boy in love with his own father, in part because they live together in a van, and his father is the only other human being he knows). However, seeing the book in the flesh has seriously pushed me towards the 'buy' camp.

It's an attractive small hardcover with a jacket that looks drawn in various coloured inks. Even better, the jacket folds out to display a big map of the book's setting and events.

I apologise for the crappy quality of some of these pictures. When I scrape together the cash to buy the book, I'll try to remember to post better images.

The cover is the work of Nigel Peake. He's a fine choice of artist, especially when you want to make use of intricately drawn maps and other structures..

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