Will of A Journey Round My Skull directed my attention to the website of book designer and illustrator (and composer) Mick Wiggins, who is responsible for the covers of the Neville Shute reissues coming soon for Vintage Classics--I had been wondering who had done them.

Wiggins has done a lot of other lovely work, including the complete John Steinbeck from Penguin Classics US...

..as well Gerald Durrell's backlist...

..and various other works.

When visiting his site, you also have to watch the disturbing short animated film from which this image comes, 'The Strange Tale of Dieter Talfdum, County Taxonomist, on the Day of an Unusual Geomagnetic Event'.

I've got an interview with Mr Wiggins coming up soon.
Those are lovely.
Belatedly, this is the greatest blog. I love what you do.
Thank you!
Thank YOU! I just read the first issue of 'From the Ashes' last week, bizarrely enough (it took a while to turn up in Australia, or at least my part of it), and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Where's Cannery Row then? My favourite Steinbeck is missing!!
He has done a lovely Cannery Row (also one of my favourite Steinbecks, along with Tortilla Flat and Travels with Charley) cover: I'll make sure to include it with the interview when that gets posted.
Thanks. That's a wild coincidence (not to mention a surprise that FTA is out is Australia).
I'd love to "chat" some more, but on your comments section seems inappropriate.
Please feel free to drop me a line at jrsmorrison AT yahoo DOT com DOT au
I've really enjoyed these covers from Mick. Thanks for sharing them.
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