Thursday 30 May 2013

Messing About in Boats

A bunch of covers, all from UK publishers over the past few years, all with very similar etched/linocut-style images of boats on stormy seas, and similar colour palettes...

UPDATE: More examples, suggested by sharp-eyed commenters...


M.H. said...

Oh, but it's such a pretty theme! :)
Reminds me of this cover for "Island of Wings" by Swedish author Karin Altenberg:

jem said...

I really like all these covers.

Spotted another candidate only hours after reading your post -

She Rises - Kate Worsley (UK Hardback)

Chasch said...

These are lovely!

Reminds of the canadian edition of Amitav Gosh's River of Smoke:

Was very disappointed by Sea of Poppies so I won't be reading it though...

JRSM said...

Thanks, all: I'll add your suggestions to the post.

lauredhel said...

And another one for you, though this one's Australian: Cargo, by Jessica Au.

JRSM said...

Well spotted! Adding it now.

Omer Ali said...

Ooh, and Andrew Motion's Silver: Return to Treasure Island in the UK.

JRSM said...

Nice one! (Also, by coincidence, was listening to 'Music for Stowaways' when I saw your comment)