Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Ralph Steadman Addendum II

Preliminary Note: My apologies for the slow-down in posts recently. Preparing for the arrival of a baby, currently causing Mrs Caustic Cover Critic endless back and hip pain, has necessitated the moving around and boxing up of hundreds and hundreds of books in order to make room for said baby and her stuff. This has meant less blogging time, and less enthusiasm for talking about books after spending hours hauling the buggers about the place.

Anyway, today I have moved no books and have the time to post, and what a fine collection of covers I have for you. They're the final(?) items from David C Smith's incredibly extensive Ralph Steadman collection--see the first 92 items here. I have to thank David, who has had to do a lot of tunnelling around in boxed up books himself to liberate these to be photographed. He is a hero.

Click any image for a much bigger version...

Steadman's brand new book: a slideshow of some of the interior art is available here

A Steadman self-portrait



Anonymous said...

Wow, love all the iterations of Fear and Loathing.

Didn't know you were a papa-to-be! Congrats!

JRSM said...

Thank you! I'm not at all freaking out!

Kelly Robinson said...

A lot more prolific than I realized!

khairul044 said...

This blog site is very good!

Tulkinghorn said...

You may not be aware that Steadman is a wicked packaging guy as well Check out his designs for Flying Dog Ales:

JRSM said...

Those ale labels are brilliant. There needs to be a book of his cover and other design work.