Tuesday 10 March 2009

Pomegranates Everywhere

Here's another duplicated cover image: the photo is 'Pomegranates' by Takashi Shima (about whom I cannot find anything more online, other than the fact that they share a name with an actor in a Godzilla sequel), and it first showed up on Medieval Cuisine of the Islamic World by Lilia Zaouali.

This is a book which I gave my foodie wife, and which caused her mother to cry in alarm, "You're not going to become a Muslim, are you?"

It's also shortly to be the cover of this Hesperus classic, Vladimir Odoevsky's Two Princesses.

What's that you say? Get a life? I don't know what you're talking about.

UPDATE: It's on a third cover...


Ian Koviak said...

oooh. I like the Hesperus cover...

bummer about the image dup...

JRSM said...

To be fair, the first use was on a relatively obscure university press title, and it is a nice photo. Just wish I could find more of the photographer's work.