Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Speaking of Religion

..and speaking of religious books, have a look at this series of classic Christian writings published by Hodder in the UK. The covers are designed by Stuart Bache (last posted about here). You would not think that a colour scheme that was predominantly grey would be so eye-catching.

And my favourite, by a Nineteenth-Century minister and Darwinian, with a lovely 'profusion of life' cover:

UPDATE: The final cover above is actually by Mark Read, Senior Designer at Hodder, while the Bible cover below was designed by Crush.

Which reminds me of this Hodder-published Bible from a little while back, with a clever, gorgeous and funny/sad cover:


  1. What a fantastic cover for the Bible. I would absolutely buy it just for that. And I'm an Atheist.

  2. Do you have any details on that bible? I couldn't find it on Amazon.

  3. I love those covers, especially the Bible's.

    I've never seen a Bible like that before, which makes it very eye-catching.

  4. i am also an atheist and these covers are almost enought to convert me. richard dawkins needs to step it up!

  5. They should have renamed it 'Adam and Eve... and other collected stories.' God, ed. J.H Christ.

  6. Martin: It has the ISBN 978-0340954287, and is listed as a 'Summer Reading Bible', oddly enough. I hope that helps track it down.

  7. excelente amigo, una decoración florar muy óptima

  8. That was some great covers for Christian books, I thought the bible cover looked very appealing. For me personally it wasn't the best. only because i get attracted to books with old, smelly and mysterious covers.

    Liked your blog by the way : )

  9. Thank you for the kind words. They really are a lovely set.

    I can't, however, take full credit as 'The Greatest Thing in the World' was designed by the the brilliant Senior Designer Mark Read at Hodder.

    The Bible cover was designed by Crush here in the UK, I believe.

  10. Thank you for that, Stuart. I'll update the post with those details.
