Sunday 3 January 2010

A Mystery Solved

Late last year I posted a couple of covers, the provenance of which I could not discover. They were for Hebrew versions of The Day of the Triffids and I, Robot.

Now I know the story, as the creator has got in touch. They are part of a design project by Nitzan Klamer, an extremely talented designer and illustrator who lives in Jerusalem, and these covers, for a number of classic science-fiction books, were created for his graduation project at the Bezalel Academy of Art & Design. The link above will take you to his flickr page, which is well worth a visit, but here are the rest of the cover designs (reprinted with Nitzan's kind permission).Click all images for bigger versions.

Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea...

H.G. Wells's The Time Machine...

Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World...

..and front and back covers for Arthur C Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Somebody needs to put these into print as soon as possible.