Friday, 1 January 2010

And We're Back... with Sin!

Happy new year, all--let's kick off with some sleaze!

One book I got over the Christmas period was Sin-A-Rama, published by Feral House in the US. I'd been told about this by commenters as a great source of information on the sleazy pulps and the people behind them. It truly is a treasure trove, especially regarding covers... (click for bigger versions of the following spreads)

The second spread features an alarming clown-featuring cover by Eric Stanton, as well as another by an artist I'd never heard of before: Elaine Duillo. (And who knew there was such a demand for clown sleaze? And if you did know, please keep it to yourself.)

Among her many other covers, Duillo also produced one that I would have included in my wrap-up of Zola sleaze, if only I had known of it.


Here are some more Duillos--like Robert Bonfils, she's someone with real technical skill and an eye for design who spent her professional life in the artistic gutter, without letting it squash her visual flair.



  1. Ah, so much pulpy goodness in one place! Clowns still scare me, and the clown sex pulp is a huge surprise. I guess I don't understand the fetish.

    But this stuff is so bad... it's GOOD!

  2. Not surprisingly, I bought this a couple years back. Indispensable. Worth it for that clown cover (Top Ten all time) alone. Thanks for reminding me to get this out of cold storage. ~RP

  3. Sin-A-Rama is more than worth buying for the covers alone, but I think of even greater value are the essays. (Which is saying a lot.)

    On that note, I recommend another Feral House title, Dope Menace: The Sensational World of Drug Paperbacks by Sin-A-Rama contributor Stephen J. Gertz. More pulpy goodness mixed in with some essential reading.

  4. The essays are fascinating--and for the most part, the people behind it all seem surprisingly sane (with some notable, Ed Wood-style exceptions). I have to get 'Dope Menace' too, then, obviously!

  5. Glad you scored a copy of that. It's a great collection.

  6. By the way, thanks for highlighting Elaine Duillo. I'm going to have to look for more by her.

  7. Cheers, Bob--it was your original recommendation that sent me into this World Of Sin.
