On Twitter I did a big thread of 75 unjustly forgotten or neglected books, so I thought I'd put the whole thing here to make it more easily accessible. Sorry the images are a bit mental: the idea of resizing 100 pictures makes me feel very tired.
1. LULU IN HOLLYWOOD: Louise Brooks - an actual worthwhile wonderfully written celebrity memoir in essays about being eaten alive by one famous role and the worlds of Jazz Age Hollywood and German Expressionism
13. ENGLISH AS SHE IS SPOKE: Pedro Carolino - a classic of linguistic abuse, a well-intentioned but incompetent 1850s Portuguese-English phrasebook hindered by the author's complete inability to speak English; samples⬇️
20. BREWER'S ROGUES, VILLAINS & ECCENTRICS: William Donaldson - I've ranted about this book before, probably the only encyclopedia I've read from cover to cover. See this thread for why you need this book...
33. THE GIRLHOOD OF SHAKESPEARE'S HEROINES: John Crowley - novella from a deeply underrated writer; summer camp, the 1950s, 'Henry V', youth, love, sex, no wasted words. Available as hideously expensive hardback, ugly ebook or in the excellent magazine Conjunctions #39.
(I'm aware I just keep saying everything's wonderful, but YOU try raving eruditely with hardly any characters when these buggers all have long names or book titles.)
69. YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO SVOBODA: John Pen (Székely János) -- Hungarian black comedy of a Czech holy fool in a town overrun by Nazis who goes on a one-man war against the Reich for confiscating some of his money
(available free to some countries at catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/0064984…)
(available free to some countries at catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/0064984…)

We might finish there. 75 books is probably enough to be going on with for now.