Thursday, 26 July 2012

Purple Yellow Blue

No credits for these as yet, but they're the eye-grabbing new covers for Picador UK's re-releases of some of the B. S. Johnson backlist. See here for their full-on edition of The Unfortunates, the famous unbound book in a box. UPDATE: They're designed by La Boca.

That Trawl cover is so much more appealing than my tacky old Panther edition, which is typically boob-tastic for that publisher and era.


  1. I LOVE these. Totally old school looking. Push-pin era design.

  2. Lovely, but still just the same ones Picador did a few years back. Why won't anyone touch his first or last novels ('Travelling People' & 'See the Old Lady Decently', respectively)?

    I've got 'Albert Angelo', 'Trawl' & 'House Mother Normal' in an omnibus edition (see, which is a little boring but nice enough. (And 'Double Entry' from the same series.)

    But what the hell is that 'Trawl' there? That's the ugliest - and least appropriate - cover I've ever seen.

  3. Ian, they're lovely, aren't they?

    jb, good question--the last editions seem to be Panther from the 1960s. I'm assuming Picador doesn't have the rights, but I wonder who does?

  4. These covers were done by La Boca for Picador UK.

    No rights for Travelling People & See the Old Lady Decently as far as I know.

  5. These covers were done by La Boca for Picador UK.

    No rights for Travelling People & See the Old Lady Decently as far as I know.

  6. Thank you for that--I'll add it to the post.
