Sunday, 17 October 2010

Snow Paint

I don't know who did this cover (UPDATE: It's the work of Clare Skeats, of whose fantastic designs you can see more here), and the book's not out until next year (from Granta), but it's both simple and effective. Perhaps it's just me, but I really like the way the slightly scratchy/streaky texture of the paint mimics the hard ridges you get in ice or hard snow (especially on the left-hand side)--the kind you tread on, slip on, and and break your leg on. Click for a bigger version.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree. Though when You mentioned the left, I was brought back to those nasty winter winds we get here in Wisconsin.

  3. I know this one. It's by my better other, Clare Skeats.

  4. Yes, that cover is really sweet.

  5. Thanks! I'll update the post with that information!
