Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Choose Your Own II

Regarding multiple covers released simultaneously for the same book, Brian Lindenmuth directs me to the new paperback edition of Financial Lives of the Poets (which I really enjoyed when it came out), available in three colours...

..while Sasha notes that Miranda July's No One Belongs Here More Than You (I book I sadly enjoyed rather less than the author's excellent promo website) was also available in a variety of hues.

I apologise for the light posting here recently: work and life are getting in the way. More soon, I promise!


  1. I find Miranda July better with her concepts than with her writing. I too found the book not that great, and my friend noted that sometimes her set ups are unnecessarily creepy and/or depressing without being satisfying as a story.

  2. How very entertaining! I can actually choose a book based on how nicely it will look mixed in with all my other books! Hmm... I really have very few orange book spines...

  3. Sounds as though you need to go berserk in a second-hand bookshop and load up on old Penguins!
