Monday 30 August 2010

The SimCity Effect

Covers like these take me back to an adolescence of SimCity and Rampage, and the delights of massive pixelated civic destruction.

I really like the Paddy Clarke cover--it makes the book look a lot more appealing than the tedium I remember experiencing when I read it many years ago, back when I was young and foolish and dedicated to reading whatever won the Booker each year.


  1. OMG- that's exactly why I read Paddy Clarke- blame it on the Booker! That cover is too funny, though. I love the burning house and the giant gorilla. lol


  3. Renee: I can't remember a gorilla in the book, can you? If there had been, I think I might have enjoyed it more!

    Bretemas: Thank you!

  4. Hi, I just stumbled across your blog - you've got a lot of great stuff posted. I loved the post about the same model being on both book covers. I wouldn't have noticed.

    I hope you'll check mine out - I have a lot of flash fiction on it that you might like. :)

    Can't wait to see your next post!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Both of these remind me of god games, world builders like Sim City and Tropico and so on. The bird's eye three-quarter view and distinct sectors (agrarian. metropolitan, etc.). Nice.

  7. And Populous--I just remembered playing that endlessly, too.
