Thursday 19 November 2009

Going Mad in Someone Else's Language

I came across these two covers here, and they grabbed my attention.


They appear to be Hebrew translations of John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids, and Isaac Asimov's I, Robot. The publisher is Laika, according to a couple of helpful Hebrew readers I contacted, and written thus: לייקה. Beyond that, though, I'm stumped, as I can't find any such publishing house online, nor these editions of these books, and so have no idea when they came out, who did the playful covers, or if there are any more in the series. I hope there are, because I really like these. Anyone out there know any more?


  1. You've defeated my Googling skills with that one!

  2. I know the feeling! I spent much longer than was sensible with various translation sites, Google Israel, online queries to Hebrew speakers and so on, and eventually realised that I had gone over to the bad place.

  3. Those are very cool cover designs. Good luck with your quest for further info.
