Wednesday 11 March 2009

Barnaby Under Water

The duplicates are coming thick and fast now. This time it's another photo by Barnaby Hall, who has been featured here before, and who was even good enough to fill me in on the background to some of his work.

This time it's a photo on both a forthcoming Alma Books novel about Emily Dickinson by Paola Kaufmann, and an Oxford University Press guide to the known science of dreaming by J. Allan Hobson.

PLUS, see this post for new photos of a groovy fold-out dustjacket, supplied by John Self.


  1. what a nice image. That second cover is spot on with the white space and title positioning and font. It lets the image really be.

  2. oh oh ! That's my niece, Alice.

  3. It's a great photo, Barnaby: good to hear from you again!
