Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Another case of one image, many covers:

Annoyingly, I cannot find the name/photographer behind the original image. Commenter Bruce tells me that "The subject is Baroness Edith von Winterfeld, circa 1930." The photo is credited to Underwood & Underwood.


  1. i like the odd crop on that last one. But the first usage seems the best in it's overall composition and feel...

  2. I love the fact that smoking is still considered glamorous and "serieux"...

  3. "Hey, y'know, I have had it with you guys and your cancer and your emphysema and your heart disease. The bottom line is, smoking is cool, and you know it."

  4. Er, Chandler from 'Friends', actually. Bill Hicks would have been a way cooler person to quote, though. There goes my "street cred", as the cool kids say it.

  5. The subject is Baroness Edith von Winterfeld, circa 1930. I have no idea who the photographer was.

  6. Thank you, Bruce! Using that info, I've found the original at the Library of Congress, who credit 'Underwood & Underwood'. I'll add the info to the post.
