Wednesday 22 October 2008


I've long been a fan of the eclectic literature put out by the fine Dalkey Archive, a non-profit press based at the University of Illinois whose aim to is to keep fine books in print and bring them to a wider audience; a significant chunk of their list is the sort of wonderful literature in translation most publishers don't see enough money in publishing, but which we are poorer for not having available to us. Also, how can you not love a publisher who takes their name from the work of Flann O'Brien?

One thing I haven't particularly admired in the past has been Dalkey's covers: they've tended towards the dull but worthy. But recently they've been having a bit of an overhaul under the artistic direction of one Danielle Dutton, with illustrator Nicholas Motte providing bold pen-and-digital sketches with large areas of flat colour, giving the books a unified, striking look.

As you can see, they're about to republish A Nest of Ninnies by James Schuyler and John Ashberry. If you haven't read the two brilliant novellas by Shuyler already available from NYRB...

..then you must go and get them and read them NOW.


  1. Wow! Overhaul is right. I haven't seen any of the new editions in the bookstore where I work. I'm sure going to look for them now. I've always loved Dalkey Archive. They've single-handedly kept my faith in small publishers alive.

    Thanks for the covers!

  2. My pleasure! I'm organising an interview with Mr Motte now, to get some of the background information. More soon!

  3. Oddly, I picked up the two NYRB Schuylers when in London recently. Hope to read them soon (the perpetual promise).

    I read the Rolin recently, excellent stuff, and have a couple of Toussaints to get through as well.

  4. I can't wait to read their new translation of Rilke's book, one of my favorites (read only in Spender's excellent translation). It's a perfect excuse to read it again.

    I look forward to your interview with Motte (perhaps related to author of Dalkey's book on the Oulipo, Warren Motte?).

    RE: A Nest of Ninnies, if you can dig it up, a single-issue fanzine named after the book appeared in the mid-to-late 90s. It includes a huge interview with record maven and forgotten-book authority (and Nixon tape transcriber) Robert Nedelkoff.

  5. Will: I'll ask Mr Motte that very question. Penguin are putting out Rilke's 'Brigge' as a Classic next year too, though I'm not sure who the translator is. I'll look for that fanzine--I have seen people raving about it and its editor(?) Seth Sanders on ILX.

    John: YOU WILL READ THE SCHUYLERS SOON (waves hands in hypnotising fashion)!

  6. I love 'The Bathroom', but all of them are drool-worthy :)

  7. They really are, aren't they. I WANT!
