Monday 6 December 2010

Searley II

I love the artwork of Ronald Searle, and to see why, have a look at this big post from 2008, full of his many, many book covers. Here are three covers that I didn't know of, though, tracked down by the Perpetua Ronald Searle Tribute blog. In keeping with other recent posts here, they're for the Editions Folio imprint of French publisher Gallimard, and were done in the 1970s.


  1. Nice post! I'd just like to correct something: Folio is not a publisher but a paperback imprint from prestigious French publisher Gallimard: It is famous for its design (white background and serif typeface) which has stayed the same for years. I mean it's famous in France ;-)

  2. Cheers--I'll fix that up in the post. I don't know any French besides some of the swearwords, so that sort of info is very helpful.

  3. Searle is one of my art heroes. His work has been a consistent joy to behold. Thanks for the links to the other Searle sites.

  4. He's great, isn't he? When my grandmother moved out of her big old house into a flat, she let us take any books we wanted that she didn't have the space for, and she had a cache of Searle books from the 1950s and 1960s, which was pretty sweet. MINE!

  5. One of the first books I ever bought with my own money as a kid was Molesworth's Guide to the Atommic Age. Been hooked ever since.

  6. One of the most depressing things about my job is discovering how worthless most copies of Searle's 1950s books are today.

    I suppose the optimistic view is that his popularity resulted in larger print runs than usual, but it really goes against the grain to throw them away.
